SAVE THE DATES: August 15 & 16, 2025!
Calling all Marion High School Giants from the graduating class of 1975! It's hard to believe we are approaching the 50th anniversary of high school graduation. Plan to reminisce, reconnect, and revel in the nostalgia of our school days by attending our 50th Class Reunion!!!
Your committee has been hard at work making plans for the weekend that will give ample opportunities not just to reminisce but also to make new memories. As time grows closer, we will provide information as to options for paying. If you have not filled out our new Contact Information Form, please click on the link and do so:)
Tentative Agenda
August 15, Friday Night at 'Tha Taste.' We will have the entire place including an outside patio.$10 entry - food on your own. DJ & Line dancing, visit with friends, etc. You don't need any previous experience to participate in the line dancing, but we will be providing a few easy, peasy tutorials in case you catch the enthusiasm!August 16, Morning Golf at the Elks. $35.00 Time TBA
August 16, Evening Event & Elks Club - $50
5:30 to 11pm; Heavy Appetizers, Open Bar. (DJ 8-11)
Dress: Business Casual
Reunion t-shirt: $15
Tickets must be purchased in advance; more info. to come soon.
Please share this link with any of our classmates you are connected with through email, FB or other social media.
Your classmates,
Cindy Cunningham (Shaw) Jeff Lenfesty Karen Cox Tina Carteaux (Harmon)
Hope Schuler (Masters) Diana Gardner (Murrell) Adrienne Smith Cheryl Ryan (Luttrell)
Sharalyn Hyman (Markley)
Contact us:
Just for fun - Here's a video that will take you back!