I am thrilled to announce we now have over 100 Audio Books on our Follett Shelf!
These books are free for MHS students and staff to download, so you can read without using up your data! It is as simple as going to the eShelf, filtering by choosing audiobooks, and clicking on the one you want to check out.
Students, download our Destiny Discover App (Instructions for Downloading our Brytewave App), use your MCS Google Account to sign in, and you're ready to go!
Here at MCS, Karima Moubarik, our MCS School Psychologist, was thrilled to learn about our audiobook collection, which is new this year, purchased from a grant won by our MHS Academic Brain Game Team.
English is Karima’s 4th Language (yes, 4th!); she speaks French, Arabic, and Moroccan and credits audiobooks as being a major help in her acquisition of our language, in addition to her high school and college instruction in English.
In addition to testing, Karima works with students from pre-school through high school who have various disabilities, including cognitive and emotional, while also consulting with parents and teachers. Karima works with ESL students and hopes audiobooks will help them with pronunciation and expansion of their vocabulary. The more they read, the more accurate grammar they acquire, she says. For ESL students who are immigrants, the phonetic instruction for English was not taught, so listening helps them with the correct pronunciations.
Karima recommends audio books for all her students, especially for students who have attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Students who struggle with attention have a hard time completing tasks, academic or even household tasks, like cleaning a room. Audiobooks can help them focus if they listen while doing those activities. She also recommends this for students with specific reading disabilities.
For the general population, this is a way to find time to read. Karima listens to audiobooks even while cleaning! There are benefits of audiobooks for ALL READERS. If you’re skeptical about trying one, you might be interested in the 9 Benefits of Audiobooks by Denise Drespling, a light-hearted and fun look that might encourage you to try one.
Remember you can download the books so you do NOT have to be connected to the Internet to listen. In June, Karima will go to Morocco to visit family and is thrilled she won’t have to depend on the Internet.
If you’ve never tried one, now is the time! Also, these books, as well as over 500 eBooks are available 24/7 and can be read through the summer. Easy access is just waiting for you.