Our winning "People's Choice Award" video is above.
Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016, a number of MHS students, alumni, and staff collaborated to create a mini-masterpiece in the hopes of winning a contest that could mean a huge leap in technology for our library media center. A work of art as well as ‘heart,’ it is the story of the transformation of our MHS Library Media Center and its shift to 21st Century Digital Learning told in song. The incredible genius of Lin-Manuel Miranda inspired the Hamilton parody (see collaborators below) that we hope will capture the judges’ attention.
The video will be entered as part of our Follett Challenge entry, a national competition from our book company that awards from $8000 to $60,000 to winning schools. The written application allows 3100 words asking for statistics and data. What the questions seem to leave out is the place to adequately tell the story of the immeasurable, of the heart of who we are - which involves personal connections with students and staff. It is those connections that allowed for the creation of a most unusual project - the Follett Challenge Video.
I'd like to take this space to give credit and thanks to all those who contributed, each in a unique way.
First, to Liz Kelsay, one of my minions with whom I share a love of musical theater, who last year, urged me repeatedly to listen to Hamilton. Thank you for your persistence! It has opened up a new world of history and believe it or not, hip hop:) When I approached her about writing a parody, she was the first to offer help.
A few of the students performing are library ‘minions;' some students are just very talented and were recruited because of that:) A few are from our marketing class and just happen to be CSA Community School of the Arts products from the time they were little. Many of them grew up under the direction of Mark Fauser who, ironically, is in a position with our school system as the Marketing Sales and Creative Development Director, a position that allows him to give his time and expertise to young adults he once directed as young children. Mark is always willing to give time he often doesn't have to consult and encourage. It is Mark who worked with the marketing class teaching them the basics of iMovie, which continues to be invaluable.
Thanks also to our very supportive principal, Keith Burke, who good-naturedly participates in just about anything he is asked to do, embarrassing or not;)
Indirectly, MHS alumni, and now YouTube personality, Caleb Marshall (The Fitness Marshall) is involved, as we are using the new video equipment he recommended. Thanks also to another integral part of the Fitness Marshall team, Haley Jordan, who came in to give us our first tips in using the equipment. Teacher Mike Robertson took extra time watching ‘how-to’ videos on the use of the new camera making sure it was ready to go. A HUGE thank you to JAG teacher, Jean Wright, who gave me the gift of time and helped me focus on the writing portion, and to our MCS Communications Director, Patricia Gibson, who came to cheer us on and also, as part of the application, wrote a beautiful description of our program from the administration's perspective.
The HOURS of work that went into the making of this video are measurable, but the HEART that went into it is not. During the pressure of finals week, working around tests and papers, students willingly did take after take to get it just right.
MHS Alumni (and daughter,) Regan Reese, helped me (on more than one wintry night) in the writing process, as did MHS students, Liz Kelsay and Sophie Orrell. Regan took her lunch hour to come in and record the soprano part. Elizabeth Weurtley and Regan spent critical time working on the harmonies (thank you!) After MANY takes to record the track that will be used for the final video, alumni (and son) Riley Reese (also a CSA alum) spent 5 hours ‘mixing’ the MP3.
EVERYONE is a key player in this project, but I want to give a special thanks to student Jonathan Walts, who took it upon himself to start creating the video with the karaoke track, before we had recorded our 'real' parts. When the bell rang for Christmas Break, Jonathan volunteered to take it home and finish it. It is that kind of passion and initiative that makes my job more than just a job.
Finally, one more special thanks - to our Follett Representative, Sharon Welk, who has put her heart into guiding me through this project, through countless emails and phone calls.
What makes our library media center extraordinary is that it's become a center for collaboration and skills that go beyond a typical assignment. It is a place where individuals or groups collaborate to make first-class projects, often for a grade, but in this case, for a chance to help our school earn money that will allow for incredible gains in technology, things such as 3-D Printers, Robotics, and Go-Pro Cameras.
The Follett Challenge is a contest that includes a video and a lengthy application of 3100 words. The Criteria includes collaboration, critical thinking, creation, and creativity. The making of this video alone includes the BEST of that. Even if we don’t win this competition, we are winners who will remember this project, and the time we spent creating a unique little piece of history for Marion High School. They are telling a part of OUR story.
And they did it beautifully. #grateful
I might have given up if not for the help of Sophie Orrell, Regan Reese, and Liz Kelsay, my contributing editors:)
Performers: Jalen Springer, Amonte King, Regan Reese, Liz Kelsay, Elizabeth Wuertley, Sophie Orrell, Shakila Wingo, Macie McCarthy, DeShaun Coleman, Casey Reaves, Jonathan Walts, Kaleb Evans

Icing on the cake for me is the reflection that 11 years ago, the same three adorable little boys in the lower right corner, who were in the same CSA Christmas show as I was, would grow up to be KEY Players in this endeavor. Thank you Casey, Jonathan, and Kaleb - my triple threats, as Fauser likes to say.
Elizabeth Wuertley, fellow perfectionist, who helped with harmonies right down to the wire.